About / Contact

Independent (principal information security) contractor

Founder Daniel Seid holds several international security certifications within the information security field. As a former CISO, in a multi-billion profitable corporate group, he was also responsible to uphold that company’s triple security certifications (ISO 27001, WLA-SCS, PCI DSS) simultaneously. That was done 5 years in a row, successfully. Daniel is since then now also a qualified certification auditor of ISO 27001, and was the first (and are still one of the few individuals globally) that holds the highest personal certification ”ISO 27001 Master”. Feel free to read and share an international interview with some more on background. For further personal information and background please see the linkedin-profile. A complete CV is of course available upon request.

Daniel Seid

A brief introduction of what the word ”triage” can represent,
to explain the core values of this business:

(trē-äzh′, trē′äzh′)
Definition of triage

”the assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and other resources can be best used, are most needed, or are most likely to achieve success

…with Information Security

CEO Contact information:
E-mail: danielseid@triagesec.se
Cellphone/SMS: +46(0)70 525 10 00
Postal Address: Krokvägen 21, SE-622 75 Visby, Sweden
Corporate Identity Number: 559140-5534.

The company of Triage Sec is security certified according to a Swedish norm: